Reckless Rumbles - WWYD? Podcast Artwork Image

Reckless Rumbles - WWYD?

Reckless Rumbles with Kat and Dee

From the Reckless Rumbles channel comes the WWYD: "What Would You Do?"  Series– the podcast that delves deep into the intricacies of life and relationships, sparking thought-provoking conversations that challenge your perspectives and ignite your curiosity.

Hosted by a Kat & Dee, a queer Asian couple from the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia, "WWYD" isn't just a podcast – it's your guide through the twists and turns of relationships and life situationships. 

Join us as we navigate the complexities of the human experience, addressing everything from the spice of controversial topics to the heat of taboo conversations. Every episode is a journey where we pose the question, "If you were in this situation, what would you do?"
